page is dedicated to my father,

He gave me one of the greatest
gifts of my life- a love of books! For as far back as I can
remember, my fondest memories are those of my father reading to me.
The total peace of mind, cuddled up with him to read a book together, still
takes me back.
Every major event in my life
was celebrated with a special present from my father- a book. When
I was sick, he brought home a book (I was especially fond of Dr. Seuss,
later on Nancy Drew, moved up to Sherlock Holmes and so on...) When
life disappointed me, I always found solace in a book.
When life gets you down, escape
with a great book. You can go anywhere in the world (or beyond...),
you can do anything you want to do, be anyone you want to be, and never
leave the comfort of your favorite reading spot.
My wish for you is this:
you always have the friendship of a good book whenever you need it, and
may you share this special friendship with those you love!
Thank you Daddy!