Janet Young's Educational Voyage in Multiple Intelligences
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Multiple Intelligences

The following list is in response to many requests
I have received, to include information on the Multiple Intelligences
Theory. This is by no means fully comprehensive. It is however, enough to get you started on your own investigations into the theory and it's applications in the classroom. Those of you who took the NYSUT course "Learning Channels" will recognize the parallel. If you know of any other sites that you feel should be added to this list, please let me know. I will check it out!

A list of links on Multiple Intelligences would be incomplete if not started with a biographical sketch of Howard Gardner!
Gardner's Pie Chart of the
multiple intelligences.
Introduction to Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligence Teaching Approach
Before new facts about human intelligence can improve test scores for more students, though, faculty require support and encouragement to create curriculum for high school or higher education classes. Join us to create MITA curriculum that develops students' unique gifts, covers topics at deeper levels, and bridges genders, beliefs and cultures in learning communities.
of Education, Donovan's Road, University College Cork. Cork,
Research Project: Multiple
Intelligences, Curriculum and Assessment
Intellgences in the Classroom
This document is an article
that was previously published in On the Beam, a journal of New Horizons for Learning, an international
nonprofit learning community.
Writing and Multiple Intelligences
This site explores how MI is applied to the writer's craft. A very good site, well worth the visit!
The Bellingham School Home Page
An exploration of learning styles and multiple intelligences.
This page is a List of Books of Multiple Intelligences
I am unfamiliar with the "seller". I just included this link for those who need to look further.
ERIC Abstracts on Multiple Intelligences (from ASCD)
The Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scales (MIDAS)
Educational Leadership Vol. 55, No. 1, September 1997
Teaching for Multiple Intelligences
Variations on a Theme: How Teachers Interpret MI Theory
Perspectives / Martian Chronicles
The First Seven . . . and the Eighth
A Conversation with Howard Gardner
Literature: Multiple Intelligences McGraw-Hill School Division
Multimedia Literature: Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences Research
Internet Links Exercising Your Multiple Intelligences (M.I.)
If you want to get more information check out the
Barnes and Noble Search engine right here.
It can take you to where you want to go today!

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"Janet R. Young, JRY Development"

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